Quality policy

The management of the Neda Group is aware that quality in the services that it offers is a vital factor for its development and continuity. It therefore assumes the responsibility to define, implement and maintain a Quality Policy appropriate to its clients’ needs and expectations.
This quality policy presents our mission to "achieve long-term economic profitability, be a leader in the pool and wellness sector in terms of quality of product and service, by incorporating innovation in the sector and achieving that the company’s employees consider themselves an integral part of it", and our vision of "being the leaders in the swimming pool and wellness sector in the province of Girona, being recognised for the professionalism and abilities of our staff, with an excellent corporate image, through our values of honesty, responsibility, commitment, innovation and professional competence.
This is the basis upon which the company’s strategic planning, quality objectives and the entire Quality Management System are established.
Our staff engage in this process and are committed to the Quality of the System in their everyday activity.
The Neda Group is committed to meeting its clients’ needs and expectations and responding to them, considering the applicable legal and regulatory requirements.
The Neda Group is also committed to seeking continuous improvement.
The Quality Management System we have developed is based on the UNE-EN-ISO 9001: 15 Standard
This policy is disseminated through all levels of the organisation, establishing methods to understand , implement and maintain it.
Joan Turró                                                                             Rosa Ortensi
Date: 01.09.17